Studying Is Like Working Out

A great way to improve your studying is to approach studying in the same way as you would when working out. When working out or exercising, or training for any sport, the focus is on each individual workout or training session with the goal of improving each day. Not only through training, but through preparing meals, protein shakes, and other daily routines, in order to maximize results. When thinking about exercise, this type of mindset is obvious to many people, and in fact it is the same way as studying. This is something that many people fail to realize, which is that improving your mind or knowledge of a topic is the same trying to become stronger or faster. You can expect to understand mathematics or biology or history right away, in the same way you can expect to run a triathlon without any training. So keep that in mind while you try to cram in some study notes, and keep training your mind!

Studying Is Like Working Out
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